

A standard commission drawing starts at $500 plus shipping. Please see the Terms and Conditions (T&C) for more details. To make an inquiry about purchasing a commission, email me and put “Portrait” in the subject line.

A word of caution – If a person is self conscious about their appearance, I recommend against giving them a portrait of themself as a gift. If you’re not sure, talk to them about it ahead of time. In my experience, while they may appreciate the skill put into the drawing, they may not enjoy the artwork.

Receive 15% off art prints of your commission if ordered at the same time as the commission is purchased. Prints of your commission can be purchased later at full price. Progress videos, similar to what is shown on the Home page, are included at no cost. Check out my Instagram to see "reels" of progress videos.

Here are examples of standard commissions:

example1 example2 example3 example4 example5 example6 example7 example8

When submitting a photo, a signed T&C must also be submitted. An ideal photo will be:

  • Close to the face
  • In focus, can be enlarged to approx. 8x10" and still show details
  • Well lit, no harsh shadows across the face
  • Have contrast between the background and subject
  • A colour photo

  • If an ideal photo isn’t available, for an extra fee, I can take the photo. See T&C for details. Here are examples of ideal photos to submit:

    ideal1 ideal2 ideal3 ideal4 ideal5 ideal6 ideal7 ideal8